Children do better at school when teachers demonstrate
genuine concern and care for their students (Cooper, 2013,
Eccles and Wang, 2014, Patrick et al., 2007, Reyes et al.,
2012, Roorda et al., 2011, Ryan and Patrick, 2001, Skinner
et al., 2008) But what happens when a student regularly rejects
their teacher, disrespects them or tries to control
them? Without the right support, teachers can experience
‘burn out’ or ‘compassion fatigue’ and this can have a
detrimental effect on the teacher/pupil relationship.
I offer therapeutic consultation to teachers and other
professionals who work with children with complex needs. I
offer a supportive environment where individuals can share and
discuss some of the emotional aspects of their work and the
children they work with.
Therapeutic consultation allows us to look deeper into a child’s
behaviour, and the impact it is having on the pupil/teacher
dynamic. Sessions prioritise the wellbeing of children and the
development and wellbeing of adults working with them.
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